Affiliate marketing is not the new method in sales and marketing fields. In general, affiliate marketing is method to get more customers and gain profit for every purchase. Everyone is able to become affiliate marketing as long as they fulfill certain criteria. As you know, this kind of marketing focuses only to get customer and does not bother with relationship. However, new era of internet changes the way company or brand applies the affiliate marketing. In business, there is market that’s very difficult to penetrate by just selling products at stores, for example beauty and health products. Affiliate marketers are
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The term of influencer is about person, group or entity with capability to influence more people to follow. Word of mouth might be classic strategy, but it still the most effective and efficient method at all. In this article, you will get to know about the best influencer marketing tools to promote and increase brand awareness. Starting point is word of mouth strategy that turns into new era due to social media. You might not realize that social media is new form of this marketing strategy. People talk and discuss about anything, including products, brands, shops, and stores. From this
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With the number of active social media users has reached more than 2.5 billion, the social media is predicted to be still be growing years ahead. Every year, the growing rate reaches 9% which is a big number. And every year, new trends occur and develop. Experts have even predicted the upcoming social media trends in 2017. What are they? Let’s check out these 5 upcoming trends. Live video will be more popular than in 2016. Millions of viewers have been moving to live videos from conventional TV. There are several most frequently used live video strides including YouTube
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It’s almost impossible to avoid wondering about how social media marketing impact your online presence. This question will always be asked by some people who have no idea how the online marketing works. When people are fussing about social media does wonders to online presence, questioning becomes inevitable. As you may know already, various options of social media can be found. Each one of them is good to help boosting the online presence. The question now is how. How does it work? The answer lies in three things. These things are the primary reasons why the social media can be
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Nowadays, many people are using social media to share their personal life, experience, opinions, and even product business. What is social media? Generally, social media is defined as a communication tools in a form of website, which enables people to interact and share information. There are some examples of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Path, Line, and so forth. These social media have special features for the users. The features include user accounts, to create a social media account, profile pages, to put personal information about the users, followers, friends, hastags, and group, notification, like button, personalization, and
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